Terabyte Full(전체),Diff(차등) Backup 공부용



Image for Windows Full(전체),Diff(차등) Backup 공부용입니다.








다운로드 후 임의의 드라이브 루트에 압축 해제합니다.



1. Full Backup 실행.cmd 완료 후

2. Diff Backup 실행.cmd 실행...


아래 코드에서 "CCleaner"가 이미 설치 되어 있다면 경로를 변경해주세요.



Image for Windows Full(전체) Backup
@echo off

if not defined RunTask set RunTask=1 & start "CC, IFW base" /min %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /c "%0" & goto :EOF

:: ++++++++ delete temp files before imaging ++++++++
:: ++++++++ 이미징 전 임시 파일 삭제 ++++++++

"App\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe" /auto

set path="App\IFW"

CD /d "\Tera\W10_single"

:: +++++++++  Move all .tbi files to another folder  +++++++++
:: +++++++++  모든 .tbi 파일을 다른 폴더로 이동  +++++++++
set hh=%time:~0,2%
if "%time:~0,1%"==" " set hh=0%hh:~1,1%
set timestamp=%time:~0,8%
if @%timestamp:~0,1% == @ set timestamp=0%timestamp:~1,7%
set timestamp=%date:.=%_%timestamp::=%
echo.Timestamp :: %timestamp%
MD %timestamp%
MOVE *.tbi %timestamp%

:: +++++++++  Create full image backup  +++++++++
:: +++++++++ 전체 이미지 백업 생성 +++++++++

start /wait imagew /b /uy /d:w0@0x02 /f:W10-System /hash /comp:14 /vb

if not %errorlevel% == 0 (
   echo %date% %time% >> fail.log
   echo imagew errorlevel is %errorlevel% >> fail.log
   echo. >> fail.log

:: End of batch script







Image for Windows Diff(차등) Backup
@echo off

if not defined RunTask set RunTask=1 & start "evening diff" /min %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /c "%0" & goto :EOF

:: ++++++++ delete temp files before imaging ++++++++
:: ++++++++ 이미징 전 임시 파일 삭제 ++++++++

"App\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe" /auto

set path="App\IFW"

CD /d "\Tera\W10_single"

:: +++++++++++++++  Differential Image of C: drive  +++++++++++++++
:: +++++++++++++++ C: 드라이브의 차등 이미지 +++++++++++++++

start /min /wait imagew.exe /b /uy /base:W10-System /f:Diff /vb /comp:14

if not %errorlevel% == 0 (
   echo %date% %time% >> fail.log
   echo imagew errorlevel is %errorlevel% >> fail.log
   echo. >> fail.log

IF EXIST c_15.TBI (DEL c_15.TBI)                         
IF EXIST c_14.TBI (REN c_14.TBI c_15.TBI)
IF EXIST c_13.TBI (REN c_13.TBI c_14.TBI)
IF EXIST c_12.TBI (REN c_12.TBI c_13.TBI)
IF EXIST c_11.TBI (REN c_11.TBI c_12.TBI)
IF EXIST c_10.TBI (REN c_10.TBI c_11.TBI)
IF EXIST c_09.TBI (REN c_09.TBI c_10.TBI)
IF EXIST c_08.TBI (REN c_08.TBI c_09.TBI)
IF EXIST c_07.TBI (REN c_07.TBI c_08.TBI)
IF EXIST c_06.TBI (REN c_06.TBI c_07.TBI)
IF EXIST c_05.TBI (REN c_05.TBI c_06.TBI)
IF EXIST c_04.TBI (REN c_04.TBI c_05.TBI)
IF EXIST c_03.TBI (REN c_03.TBI c_04.TBI)
IF EXIST c_02.TBI (REN c_02.TBI c_03.TBI)
IF EXIST c_01.TBI (REN c_01.TBI c_02.TBI)
REN Diff.TBI W10-System-Diff.TBI

:: End of batch script




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