AOMEI Backupper Technician Version for PE

AOMEI Backupper Technician Version for PE

Version 4.5.6 (Released 2018-10-31)

Added backup when USB plugged in: automatically backup data from/to USB drive when plugged in

(USB 연결시 백업 추가 : USB 드라이브 연결시 자동으로 데이터 백업/복구)

Windows PC 시스템

Windows 10, 8.1 / 8, 7, Vista 및 XP (32 / 64-bit)를 지원합니다.

무제한 PC / 라이센스

하나의 라이센스는 회사 내의 모든 컴퓨터에 유효합니다.

90 일 환불 보증

이미지 배포 도구

백업 이미지를 네트워크를 통해 여러 컴퓨터에 배포하십시오.

유료 기술 서비스 제공

하나의 라이센스는 단일 기술자가 유료 기술 서비스를 다른 회사 및 개인에게 제공하는데 유효합니다.

Version 4.5.6에서 추가된 문자열 적용...

11641=USB plug in

11642=When the program detects that the source or destination USB device of the task is plugged in, it will automatically backup the data on the USB device to the local drive or backup the local data to the USB device.

11643=When the USB is plugged in

11644=The next time you plug in a USB device

11645=You have specified "When the USB is plugged in" for this backup task, but neither the source nor the target is USB device. Please change the type of schedule task or select the corresponding USB device as the backup source or target, and then continue.

11646=Automatically create a folder with the same name as the task in the target location.

11647=The current task is of the "USB plug in" trigger type, however, the related USB paths have been removed. So the next time these USB devices are plugged in, this task will not be triggered. Are you sure you want to continue?

11648=Failed to bind the USB device. It may be caused by failure to obtain USB device information or the USB device is not allowed to write. Please check or replace the USB device and try again.

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